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Launching my business while pregnant with my third baby: Why I wouldn’t have it any other way

Launching my business while pregnant with my third baby: Why I wouldn’t have it any other way

I'm thrilled to share that Lunnie isn't the only thing launching in 2022. Baby girl #3 is arriving in June, joining her 3.5 and 1.5 year old sisters! My husband and I are incredibly grateful for this blessing, while we also prepare for the reality of life with three kids under 4. (Yes, we caved and bought a minivan.)

However, pregnancy this time around has not been easy. My body feels more tired and nauseous, but I have less time to rest with two active little girls and a growing business. I have continued to nurse my younger daughter while pregnant, a new experience for me. Most of my first trimester was spent eating bagels and trying not to nod off while watching my girls or working on Lunnie.

Despite the challenges, being pregnant again makes me even more excited to launch Lunnie. Over the past six months, I've been wearing and nursing in my bra prototypes alongside Lunnie Hive testers. The prototype has evolved into its sixth iteration and it's everything I dreamed of: Chic, comfortable, and leakproof. I genuinely can't wait to continue to wear my nursing bra - something I never would have said prior to Lunnie!

Some people ask if I'm taking on too much. If launching a business and having a third baby within months of each other is a lot to take on, especially given our uncertain pandemic world. The answer is yes, it is a lot. I'm still scrambling to figure out childcare, a maternity leave plan, and all the business pieces that need to fall in place. But my gut still feels so good about everything.

sarah kallile and kids 2022

This chaos - early motherhood and entrepreneurship - is the good chaos. How lucky am I to create a meaningful and innovative nursing bra product that makes moms feel pretty and powerful in their postpartum? And that I will continue to wear it daily alongside my Lunnie Hive community? To me, it doesn't get much better than that.

I can't wait to experience this postpartum and breastfeeding journey again alongside you mamas. And for those still longing for their baby, I see you, I’ve been in your shoes, and I know how hard it can be - I’m rooting for you and your future family.

Sarah Kallile is the founder of Lunnie. She is a mom to two girls, Lucy (3.5) and Annie (1.5), and pregnant with her third girl arriving in June. When she couldn't find a nursing bra she liked, she decided to reinvent it. Sarah built the Lunnie Hive community of moms to help drive her product development. Subscribe to Lunnie's email list for exclusive presale access - coming this February!

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