For Giving Tuesday, 10% of all Lunnie purchases will be donated to Chamber of Mothers.
The Chamber of Mothers is a collective movement to focus America's priorities on mothers’ rights. Their first goal is to secure federal paid family and medical leave.
The issue of federal paid leave is near and dear to me. In fact, I had a TikTok video go viral about this very topic in 2021.
Without it, moms are at higher risk of postpartum depression and re-hospitalization. Breastfeeding rates steeply decline.
In October 2021, a proposed family leave bill was shot down by the Senate. Again. Moms, children, and families deserve better.
I'm thrilled to donate 10% of every Lunnie purchase made Tuesday 11/29/22 to Chamber of Mothers. Let's move the needle forward, together.
Sarah Kallile
Founder & CEO of Lunnie
Mom to 3 girls under 4