Name: Candice Collison
IG: @ofanorigin
Number of kids and ages: 3 kids! Ages 5, 2.5, and 11 months
Location: Chicago, IL
The most surprising thing about being a first-time mom is my oversupply was painful and frustrating for my daughter and me. My letdown was so powerful she would gag and choke, and unlatch. It was messy and hard to feed her anywhere outside of the home for the first several months.
My expectation vs. experience breastfeeding was I thought it would be painful, I was afraid of the latch. My first daughter latched amazingly well but oversupply was the biggest challenge.
The best piece of advice about motherhood is every stage is fleeting. The newborn stage and the sleepless nights. Everything is always changing, so embrace the present, and know that the sweetest and hardest parts of every stage go by so quickly.
About Of an Origin: